Because most anxiety disorders have at least some anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs are generally prescribed. It is important to inquire about possible side effects of any medication.
An Anxiety Disorder can be brought on by a major life trauma, such as being a witness to or a victim of a crime, physical or sexual abuse, a major illness, or a life threatening experience. Sometimes financial difficulties, grief from a death in one's family or a divorce can trigger anxiety symptoms. These type of "life stressors" are inevitable in life. But for many people, they are the root cause of their anxiety disorders.
Therapeutic strategies can be effective in reducing symptoms in each of the anxiety disorders but never resolves the root of the problem. The techniques used include hypnosis, to help people turn their anxious thoughts, interpretations and predictions into thoughts which are more rational and less anxious. People with anxiety disorders may not benefit from controlled exposure to feared objects or situations, because it never resolves the source of the problem.
Specific Approche Véniez techniques have been developed to help resolve the anxiety disorders.
The solution in Psychotherapy with Approche Véniez is to identify the causes, the source of his or her symptoms (of the anxiety) to eliminate them. The most precise and fastest way is with L'Approach Véniez. These different techniques are used; visualization, breathing and relaxation, hypnotism or hypnosis, subliminal music, post-hypnotic suggestions. There is nothing artificial or supernaturel about hypnosis.
Specific Approche Véniez techniques have been developed to help resolve the anxiety disorders.
The solution in Psychotherapy with Approche Véniez is to identify the causes, the source of his or her symptoms (of the anxiety) to eliminate them. The most precise and fastest way is with L'Approach Véniez. These different techniques are used; visualization, breathing and relaxation, hypnotism or hypnosis, subliminal music, post-hypnotic suggestions. There is nothing artificial or supernaturel about hypnosis.
- The first session consits of; a series of questions asked to the individual to obtain therapeutic useful information about the patient. This session allows the therapist to understand his patient and explain to him how the therapy will take place. At the end of this first session, the therapist will introduce a brief induction of hypnosis to his patient. . (duration of the meeting is 1 hour and usually more).
- The second session consits of; light follow-up by the therapist and deepening the patient's hypnotic state. . (duration of the session is between 45 minutes to an hour).
- The third session consits of; the work, acceptance, the release of shocks, traumatisms or causes of the lack of security experienced by the patient.. (duration of the session is usually 1 hour or more).
- The fourth session consits of; closing, reconciliation of the adult and the inner child, an experience of self-identity, self-confidence and loveing yourself. . (duration of the session is between 45 minutes to an hour).
Once this work is done the results are permenent. The patient is self-sufficient and dose not need further treatments. A brief Follow-up my be in order.
Since research suggests that many general health care practitioners are unaware of all the appropriate treatments for anxiety disorders, you might consider the option of a specialized anxiety disorder clinic with L'Approche Véniez . If such a facility is not available in your area, ask your therapist to look into natural treatments.
Do not hesitate to write me for more information or you can also visit my website at;
People have been using these methods for years, without any lasting effects with the exception of the side effects. Hypnosis is lasting when the cause is found and without side effects or causing other dependencies on DRUGS. Erectile dysfunction is another symptoms which can easily be treated with specific L' Approche Véniez © techniques. For more information
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