An eating disorder generally results from a combination of factors.
Psychological factors include
- low self-esteem,
- feelings of inadequacy or lack of control,
- depression,
- anger or loneliness.
Interpersonal factors include troubled family and personal relationships, difficulty expressing emotions and feelings, history of physical or sexual abuse. Media promotion of unrealistic images and goals, along with its tendency to equate a person's value with their physical appearance is another contributor.
The possibility of biochemical or biological causes is a medical cop-out. Some people with eating disorders have been found to have an imbalance of chemicals in the brain that control hunger, appetite and digestion, possibly as a result of the disorder. There is a sickness for every time of the year or any mood you are in.
There is no scientific proof of any mental illnesses, eating disorders included.
There is no test which takes some liquid from your brain to test the imbalance of chemicals. These theories are just another source of prescription DRUGS.
Treatment for eating disorders
The Véniez Anxiety & Depression Clinic©
The sooner someone seeks help, the sooner they will benefit from treatment. However, people with an eating disorder usually work very hard to keep it secret, and find it very difficult to acknowledge that they have a problem. Diagnosis can be difficult, since the symptoms of eating disorders often occur in combination with depression, anxiety and medication abuse.
The solution for Eating disorders
The Véniez Anorexia & Bulimia Clinic©
The solution in Psychotherapy with L’approche Véniez© is to identify the causes, the source of his or her symptoms (of the eating disorder) to eliminate them.
Yes it is really possible with this revolutionary hypnosis technic.
It took me twenty-five years of clinical research in order to learn how to change the lives of my patients in a significant and permenant way.
The Véniez Sexual Problems Clinic©
The Véniez Drug Rehab Center©
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